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Matjhabeng municipality in hot water

───   MARVIN NTSANE 10:28 Wed, 05 Feb 2020

Matjhabeng municipality in hot water | News Article

The Matjhabeng Local Municipality has been issued with a Section 106 notice for the second time by the Free State Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta).

This is in line with the veracity of complaints and letters to investigate maladministration, fraud, corruption, and serious malpractices at the municipality. This follows after R30 million has allegedly gone missing from the municipality’s bank account.

There are claims that the bank account was hacked and that some of the municipal workers were not paid, amongst others. The Free State MEC of Cogta, Thembeni Nxangisa, says a team is already at the municipality’s offices to investigate and a report will be issued within a period of 90 days. Section 106 allows an MEC for Local Government to request information or conduct an investigation into a Municipality, which is not fulfilling a statutory obligation or is suspected of maladministration, fraud, corruption or serious malpractice.

Matjhabeng was previously issued with a section 106 notice during the reigns of Oupa Khoabane, the former Free State Cogta MEC, in 2018. The request by Khoabane never came into practice nor sufficed. The municipality currently owes Eskom and Sedibeng Water billions.

Nxangisa further says the municipality will be receiving support from Cogta to resuscitate them and ensure they implement their constitutional mandate. He says the reason for this is the clear evidence of a collapse in service delivery in the municipality.

The spokesperson of the Matjhabeng Municipality, Kgojane Matutle, said the municipality cannot make any comments. All questions should be directed to Cogta.

OFM News/Marvin Ntsane

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