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EMS attacks, working conditions in spotlight in FS

───   KATLEHO MORAPELA 11:52 Wed, 21 Aug 2019

EMS attacks, working conditions in spotlight in FS | News Article
PHOTO: Katleho Morapela

Increasing attacks on Emergency Medical Service (EMS) personnel and poor working conditions they endure in the Free State have come in the spotlight.

This, as hundreds of them take their frustrations to the streets. The protesters, which marched from the financially troubled Free State Psychiatric Hosptial to the Premier's office, allege that their call for better working conditions, salary increments, payment of overtime work and unfair dismissals have previously fallen on deaf ears. 

The group, represented by Denosa and Cosatu, has lambasted the provincial health department for failing to take action on their demands. They announced that they want premier Sisi Ntombela's to take immediate action and redress their issues. The two unions have vowed to halt medical services in the province should their demands in the memorandum gather dust in her office.

Their protests come just days after an EMS crew was attacked while attending to a patient in Lusaka in Theunissen.

The unions further say the non-payment of the EMS personnel's overtime backdates to 2013.

Maladministration, a lack of adequate resources or basic material such as gloves and protective clothing, are amongst some of their concerns.

They have been given the provincial government 14 working days to act on their demands.

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