Central SA
‘Maluti-A-Phofung 16’ officially launched─── 09:33 Tue, 13 Aug 2019

After a divorce between the ANC and the 16 expelled councillors of the Maluti-A-Phofung Local Municipality, the “Maluti-A-Phofung 16” political party has officially been launched yesterday.
The launch was held at Tshiya Resource Centre, Beirut, Qwaqwa in the Free State, where they threw away ANC T-shirts. Maluti-A-Phofung 16 consists of the 16 expelled councillors, including the former mayor, Gilbert Mokotso, and former speaker, Malewatle Nthedi, who will still be leading the team through the upcoming by-elections on 28 August.
Spokesperson Paratlane Motloung shared that they have been expelled by the ANC because their intention was to fight against corruption and bring services to the residents. He further explained that they have tried everything in order to meet the ANC National Executive Committee (NEC) to solve the problem, but instead was turned down.
OFM News/Tumelo Khotha