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Ratlou employees unhappy with acting municipal manager

───   14:50 Tue, 30 Jul 2019

Ratlou employees unhappy with acting municipal manager | News Article

Employees at the Ratlou Local Municipality in North West have downed tools since last week Wednesday.

They are citing their concerns and unhappiness with the acting municipal manager, Cassius Sejake. It is alleged that the South African National Civic Organisation (Sanco) is leading the strike.

OFM News’ correspondent, Joba Matsheng, reports that he has seen three letters from the South African Municipal Union’s (Samwu) Ratlou branch, requesting forum meetings with Sejake. He allegedly declined as he stated that he is unavailable for the requested dates.

Samwu provincial secretary, Vincent Diphoko, says employees are not happy as they are being transferred, suspended and terminated without proper channels being followed. 

OFM News’ correspondent is also in possession of a letter from Sejake 's office that was written to an employee regarding being transferred from corporate services to community services under the library unit at Maaretsane. The letter also states that the salary and employment benefits will not be changed. Diphoko stated that Sejake must be removed as he does not qualify to be an acting municipal manager.

OFM News/Joba Matsheng

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