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Sanco leadership’s battle heads to court

───   10:28 Wed, 24 Jul 2019

Sanco leadership’s battle heads to court | News Article

The South African National Civic Organisation (Sanco) leadership’s battles are heading to the Gauteng High Court on the 5th of August 2019.

This is as a result of the organisation having two parallel factions that claim to be legit. The North West provincial executive committee of Sanco has received a letter from Mike Soko, who claim to be the general secretary of the organisation. The letter is written to the provincial committee, announcing their disbandment and that an interim provincial coordinating committee will be in charge.

First deputy president, Packet Seaketso, told OFM News yesterday that Richard Hlophe is the general secretary and not Mike Soko. He said Soko and his faction did not attend the national conference held in Durban in March this year where they were elected. OFM News contacted Soko for comment and he says that the bogus factions are the ones that held a conference in Durban after refusing to be part of the one held in Alexandra on the 19th of January 2019.

In the letter, Soko state that the reason for disbanding the North West provincial executive committee is that they no longer meet the constitutional mandate and that meetings do not form a quorum. Soko said Seaketso failed to bring delegates to the Alexandra Conference from the North West and that regions have cried foul to them to fix the provincial structure.

Seaketso said only Mpumalanga and Western Cape continue with the Alexandra conference, but Soko says otherwise and claims that six provinces took part, excluding North West, Limpopo, and the Northern Cape.

OFM News/Joba Matsheng

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