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Child grant 'a major contributor to teenage pregnancies'

───   PULANE CHOANE 12:15 Fri, 21 Jun 2019

Child grant 'a major contributor to teenage pregnancies'  | News Article

In order to address the scourge of teenage pregnancies, one myth that must be addressed is one of receiving a child grant as a form of income.

This is according to Professor André Venter, who is the Academic Head of the Department of Paediatrics and Child Health at the University of the Free State. He is also a neurodevelopmental paediatrician and told OFM News research shows that the prospect of receiving the child grant is one of the contributing factors to the high rate of teenage pregnancies in the country. To address this, Venter says the Mother and Child Academic Hospital (Macah) Foundation, which is a non-profit organisation in Bloemfontein, is currently running a series of campaigns to address this myth and other socio-economic factors that make it easy for young mothers to fall pregnant, as opposed to planning their pregnancies, despite contraceptives being widely available and free at public health facilities across the country.

This drive to promote awareness about teenage pregnancies, which Venter says he believes should also be done at universities and schools across Central South Africa, is one of three main campaigns the foundation intends to embark on. One other campaign currently underway is the “Make the first 1000 days Count” initiative. 

This campaign is also a collaborative effort between the foundation as well as the University of the Free State. It is in line with their key strategic priorities for 2019 in highlighting the well-being of mothers and babies in Central South Africa. Venter explains that the first 1000 days of a child’s life are defined as the period from conception up to the second birthday. This period is recognised as a critical window of opportunity to secure the optimal development of children. 

“We need to ensure our children not only to grow and be well but that they grow well from the time they are conceived. Providing optimal neonatal and maternal healthcare allows mothers and babies to thrive beyond challenging circumstances. Meanwhile, international and local research both indicate there is a growing need for the awareness of childhood development in a child’s formative years before they reach two years of age. The research also states that fortifying a child’s development experience a lot earlier lays the foundation for their ability to progress effectively in their growth, development, and education. 

“Our children have the chance to build a productive society but to do so, they need to be well-equipped mentally, physically, and emotionally on how to manage life. Investing in nurturing a child during their first 1000 days provides for the construction of sturdy brain architecture, a broad range of abilities and learning capacities. It is during this phase that a child’s brain forms as many as 1000 neural connections every second, a once-in-a-lifetime pace that will never be repeated during their lives ever again,” Venter adds. 

He concludes that he believes that collaborating with government and private organisations for this awareness campaign is critical in giving mothers and children a first-class pass to life.

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