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Water-supply in Mangaung fully restored

───   LUCKY NKUYANE 09:44 Sun, 09 Jun 2019

Water-supply in Mangaung fully restored | News Article

The Mangaung Metro Municipality, which includes Bloemfontein in the Free State, says water interruptions in the southern parts of Mangaung have been successfully halted with water having been restored in some areas on Saturday.

This after a long battle with issues of water interruption that has caused a huge outcry and panic amongst residents in the city. The Municipal spokesperson, Qondile Khedama, tells OFM News that water has been restored in areas which include, Pellissier, Fichardt Park, Fauna, General De Wet, Langenhovenpark, Erlichpark and Universitas.

He says this is due to the switch-over to the Longridge supply. Khedama says the municipality will constantly provide members of the community with necessary updates on the status of water, and has further apologised to residents for the inconvenience caused by these interruptions.

Metro residents have since the start of the year been besieged with cases of a shortage of water, leading to water-shedding, while on the other hand they have also been at times hit hard by frequent loss of power and burst water pipes.

In April, areas including Vista Park, Rocklands, and Olivier, were affected by planned and unplanned power cuts. Last week, the metro's electricity supplier, Centlec, warned the community of Langenhoven Park of a scheduled power cut to the area due to construction and maintenance upgrades on the network.

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