Central SA
Northern Cape’s first sitting of sixth legislature proceeds without glitches─── PULANE CHOANE 17:36 Wed, 22 May 2019

The first sitting of the Northern Cape’s sixth legislature went ahead without any glitches earlier on today at the Mittah Seperepere Convention Centre in Kimberley, where the provincial Judge President, Pule Tlaletsi presided over the ceremony.
This is according to the provincial legislature’s spokesperson, Mpho Masina, who told OFM News that 30 members from the four political parties that dominated the general elections in the province over two weeks ago were elected into the provincial legislature.
Masina told OFM News that once sworn in, the ANC’s Newrene Klaaste was elected as the provincial legislature Speaker, while Mangaliso Matika was elected as the Deputy Speaker. Members of the National Council of Provinces were also elected at the sitting.
OFM News’ Pulane Choane reports that the current ANC chairperson, Dr Zamani Saul was also elected as the provincial premier at this sitting and in his acceptance speech, said he was deeply humbled by the election.
Speaking to members of the 6th legislature, 18 of whom were from the ANC, while 8 were from the DA, 3 from the EFF and 1 from the FF+, Saul said that he was also grateful for this opportunity and pledged to execute his responsibilities to the best of his ability.
He further pleaded with members of the house to pledge their commitment to serve the people of the Northern Cape with humility and work with them as both the state and the public work towards growing the province. He also further said that he will provide details on his strategic plans for the province at his Inaugural address which will take place next week at Lerato Park, which is a settlement in Kimberley.
Among those that were sworn in is also the ANC’s Member of Provincial Legislature, Nomandla Bloem, who replaces Kenny Mmoiemang. Mmoiemang was nominated to serve at the National Council of Provinces at the house sitting.
OFM News