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WATCH: Eight Botshabelo schools receive infrastructure

───   PULANE CHOANE 11:44 Wed, 17 Apr 2019

WATCH: Eight Botshabelo schools receive infrastructure | News Article

Eight schools in Botshabelo, Free State, will be the latest beneficiaries of infrastructure from the Kagiso Shanduka Trust (KST) and the provincial department of Education.

This comes as OFM News earlier in February attended the infrastructure launches at two of the schools in Thaba Nchu, which are also apart of a larger group of schools in the area that also received infrastructure such as new kitchens and brand new toilet facilities from the KST. 

Learners and staff at the Makgulo Primary School are now patiently waiting outside to give the delegation from the Kagiso Shanduka Trust and the MEC of Education in the province, Tate Makgoe, a warm welcome as they're set to arrive at the school any moment now.

The two teams had earlier taken to the Sediti Primary School, which was the first school they visited this morning, where Makgoe and KST's Kaya Nyati unveiled a laboratory for life skills and science learners as well as a kitchen and eating area. 

OFM News had also previously reported that KST was accused of handing over six recently built, unsafe grade R classrooms to schools in Thaba Nchu and Botshabelo by a councillor in Botshabelo. 

The councillor, Zwelakhe Msabe, claimed KST pushed ahead with this project despite a warning by an architect working on the project, who said these classrooms had structural discrepancies. He also said that members of these communities expressed concerns over the safety of learners and staff at these schools after the quality of the structures raised several red flags.

Nyati said the claims that these classrooms were due for handover were false as the Trust was at the time concluding the occupation safety clearance with the Structural Engineers. She furthermore also said the trust has no record of the complaint made by one of its engineers that the said classrooms have discrepancies, as stated by Msabe.

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