Central SA
Sol Plaatje tackles service delivery issues─── KATLEHO MORAPELA 12:38 Mon, 04 Feb 2019

The Sol Plaatje Municipality in the Northern Cape says the functioning of the municipality and provision of services to its people are improving.
Municipal spokesperson, Sello Matsie, says although they are hard hit by the drought in the province and implemented water cuts due to low levels of the dam at the Newton Reservoir, the municipality is committed to ensuring water supply and other services.
This, despite reports that the water crisis facing this municipality has worsened leading to stage five water restrictions and that the municipality has been battling to keep its reservoir full since last year. The municipality has recently got under the spotlight over their lack of water supply to one of three South African breeding sites for the lesser flamingos, the Kamfers Dam, and their failure to maintain infrastructure, leaving thousands of flamingo chicks endangered. Matsie, however, explains the municipality is hard at work trying to meet the needs of its residents and improving all services…
The municipality has stated that there are plans underway to increase the number of pipelines supplying water to Kimberley in addition to the two that are currently being used.
OFM News