At Lunch
Kontreikuiers: Living the 'neked' life in Clarens─── 11:01 Wed, 12 Jan 2022

In 'Kontreikuiers' Cyril Viljoen chats to colourful characters from across Central South Africa.
Vanessa Bernadette Jarvis, an entrepreneur from Clarens celebrates and fully lives the 'neked' life in this beautiful town in the Eastern Free State.
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Jarvis joins At Lunch's Cyril Viljoen in this week's episode of KontreiKuiers.
Jarvis opened the store Neked two years ago and today they are a team of 9 and growing. Neked is a Medical Cannabis Dispensary, CBD dispensary, art gallery, and coffee shop.
In the podcast below she shares the story behind the name of the store and why she decided to celebrate her remission by riding on a horse naked in the picturesque town of Clarens.