International Clarinet Extravaganza hosted in Bloemfontein─── 09:00 Tue, 09 Jan 2024

Danre Strydom from the Odeion School of Music in Bloemfontein joins Yolanda Maartens in the OFM Art Beat to talk about this exciting festival featuring some of the world's most renowned clarinet players.
The objective of the festival is to expose South African clarinetists of all ages and levels as well as educators to current international clarinet trends, excellent artistry, and the opportunity to receive masterclasses from top clarinet pedagogues.
It is taking place from 31 January till 3 February and for the first time will also be hosted in Cape Town.
For more information visit the OSM on Facebook: or email
The 2024 International guests are:
- Ferdinand Steiner (Austria)
- Eddy Vanoosthuyse (Belgium)
- Severine Sierens (Belgium) – E- flat clarinet specialist
- Citlalli Rosas (Mexico) – Bass Clarinet specialist
- Vincenzo Casale (Italy) – Early Clarinet specialist
- Bence Szepesi (Hungary) Clarinet- sax doubling specialist
Participants will receive various masterclasses, and informative talks, take part in a festival Clarinet Choir, various concerts (solo and chamber music), and a gala concert in Bloemfontein (with the Free State Symphony Orchestra).