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Recent bird flu surge leaves farmers severely affected

───   05:00 Mon, 21 Jun 2021

Recent bird flu surge leaves farmers severely affected  | News Article

As the bird flu disease - as Avian Influenza is commonly known - made its appearance on more than two farms in the Free State, prevention protocols have become a necessity.

See PODCAST below

Froneman elaborates on what Avian Influenza is, how it can be contained and the effects of this viral disease.

“There are many AI virus strains which are usually classified into two categories, which are your low pathogenic strains that typically cause a few or no clinical signs in poultry and your highly pathogenic strains, that can cause severe clinical signs and potential high mortality rates among poultry.”

Froneman explains the wild birds and reservoirs are natural hosts for the virus. “Wild birds normally carry the AI virus in their respiratory or intestinal tracts but they do not usually get sick. This allows them to carry the virus for long distances along their migratory routes.” She adds that the virus can also be spread via farm equipment, gumboots and clothing from farm to farm.

According to the Animal Diseases Act, all infected poultry are to be isolated and destroyed. As AI can have detrimental economic consequences, it is important that farmers act swiftly so as to secure the production sector and trade and to safeguard food security, says Froneman.

She ends by saying that awareness is crucial. “The faster we can identify the disease the quicker we can respond to it and control the spread, especially with your small scale farmers who do not have confinement rearing. They are more exposed to these wild birds so they should report any abnormal high mortalities to state veterinary services for us to come and do an investigation.”

OFM News/Lee Simmons

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