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Hier is van jou hoof landboustories op OFM

───   ELSABÉ RICHARD 05:30 Fri, 30 Apr 2021

Hier is van jou hoof landboustories op OFM | News Article

Ons kyk nou na jou week in die landboubedryf. OFM-nuus se Elsabé Richard lig nou vandeesweek se hoofstories op OFM uit...

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Die kwessie van die onwettige instroming van Lesotho-burgers in die Klaarwater-omgewing, op spesifieke roetes en plase vanuit Lesotho, het Woensdag 28 April onder die loep gekom. Die Vrystaatse LUR van Polisie, Paaie en Vervoer, Sam Mashinini, het met verskeie rolspelers uit Lesotho en Suid-Afrika in Zastron vergader. Volgens Francois Wilken, president van Vrystaat Landbou, vind die onwettige instromings byna daagliks die afgelope dekade plaas en het dit geensins afgeneem tydens Covid-19 inperkings nie. Wilken sê die onwettige binnekoms van Lesotho-burgers hou verband met die toename in misdaad-aktiwiteite.

More than 6 000 smallholder farmers in the North West have been registered for the Smallholder Empowerment and Promotion programme, also known as SHEP. This was revealed by the province's MEC for Agriculture and Rural Development, Desbo Mohono, during a webinar this week. Mohono said that this initiative is an approach that is geared to assist smallholder producers in the province to increase their income through improving their productivity, amongst others. This programme, which is in partnership with the national department of agriculture as well as the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), also seeks to help farmers with embracing the concept of farming as a business, as well as to help them first start to identify a market and not start with production and seek markets thereafter.

Brandvooruitsigte toon dat dit 'n relatiewe aktiewe brandseisoen gaan wees en boere word gemaan om nou al voorsorgmaatreëls te tref. Volgens Johan Breytenbach van die Vrystaatse Sambreel-brandbeskermingsvereniging, kan groot hoeveelhede plantmateriaal ná die reën tot veldbrande lei. Breytenbach sê maatreëls soos brandbane kan help dat wanneer 'n veldbrand op 'n eiendom sou ontstaan, dit nie versprei nie. Breytenbach sê veldbrande is reeds in die Vrystaat gerapporteer.


Senior Agriculture Economist at FNB, Paul Makube, in his latest update on weekly prices on fresh produce markets, reports that tomato prices were falling from the recent highs. Mzansi Agriculture Talk reports that last week saw another weakness in the vegetable market as the recovery in supplies kept prices on the downside across most markets. After weeks of sharp increases due to shortages across markets, tomato prices posted the biggest fall last week at R12.71/kg which is down by 34.9% week-on-week but almost 101% higher year-on-year. Production volumes have started to normalise, and expectations are that prices will return to normal seasonal trends in the short to medium term, which will provide much-needed relief for consumers.


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