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Water released from Vanderkloof Dam reduced

───   ELSABÉ RICHARD 05:00 Wed, 20 Jan 2021

Water released from Vanderkloof Dam reduced  | News Article
Gariep Dam

The Northern Cape Department of Water Affairs says the water released from the Vanderkloof Dam in the Northern Cape has been reduced.

The department’s spokesperson, Amogelang Moholoeng, says this was done in order to relieve pressure further downstream to the lower Orange River. Here is Moholoeng…

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Dam water levels pertaining to the lower Orange- and Vaal River systems were released on Monday by the provincial department.

Moholoeng says according to this report, the Gariep Dam in the Free State is 104,8% full with a release of approximately 1 000 m3 of water per second to the Vanderkloof Dam. He adds that the water is released through the Eskom turbines in order to generate additional electricity.

He further states that water released from the Vanderkloof Dam has been reduced to 47,1 m3 per second.

The Vaal Dam water levels have increased to 73,5% and continue to rise.

Moholoeng says releases from Bloemhof Dam have been reduced to 100 m3 per second of water after it increased to 107,9%.

The Vaalharts Storage Weir currently sits at 84% with a release rate of 117 m3 per second.

Moving on to water levels in Upington, Moholoeng says the Orange River has begun subsiding from a water level of 3,6 metres to a height of  3,4 metres, with a flow of about 931,0 m3 per second.

Furthermore, Moholoeng warns that community activities, which includes mining, fishing, recreation and livestock farming along the two river systems are not advisable due to water levels.

“All are advised to steer clear of the river as it poses a risk of drowning for both human and livestock as well as damage to property and equipment. The Department of Water and Sanitation is also urging residents to stop vandalising gaging equipment and other water infrastructure,” concludes Moholoeng.

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