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Vaal Dam levels at ‘record low’ in October

───   ELSABÉ RICHARD 05:00 Mon, 02 Nov 2020

Vaal Dam levels at ‘record low’ in October | News Article

The Department of Water and Sanitation says the Vaal Dam water levels have declined to ‘record lows’ in the last week of October when compared to the same week last year.

The department’s spokesperson, Sputnik Ratau, says Vaal Dam levels recorded 29.1% in the last week of October, which is down from 30.2% the week prior. He says during the same week last year, it was just below the 50% mark at 48.4%. Here is Ratau…

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Ratau says in a statement the dam’s water levels are declining amidst the few chances of rainfalls and hot weather conditions experienced in the country.

He explains that even though the Vaal Dam’s levels continue to decline weekly, it is not at a point where Gauteng faces prospects of a day zero. This, as the dam is part of 14 dams of the Integrated Vaal River System (IVRS) that continues to sustain it.

When looking at other dam’s, Ratau adds that the Bloemhof Dam’s water levels also showed a sharp decline from 86.2% to 82.0% in the last week of October. He says, however, the dam is resilient on account that is has not been below the 80% mark for some time. 

Furthermore, the Sterkfontein Dam in the Free State remained at 94.3% for two weeks in a row. In the same week last year, the dam was lesser but still strong at 91.5%.

Also, the Grootdraai Dam recorded an increase in water levels after it remained unchanged at 75.9% for the past two consecutive weeks. Dam levels increased to 76% after it stood at less than 54% during the same period last year.

The department has called on residents to use water wisely and to refrain from water pollution or illegal water connections. It further urged residents to work with municipalities and report faulty water infrastructure and leaking taps in order to uphold the health of water resources.

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