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Drought conditions in parts of Eastern Cape 'remain a concern'

───   CHRISTAL-LIZE MULLER 21:50 Tue, 12 May 2020

Drought conditions in parts of Eastern Cape 'remain a concern' | News Article
PHOTO: Agri Eastern Cape

Drought conditions in the Eastern Cape have largely improved with the bulk of the province that has had copious rain.

Doug Stern, president of Agri Eastern Cape, says the western parts of the province, however, did not have good rains, which is a great concern to farmers. Another concern is the level of water storage dams which is low due to insufficient rain during the season. This is the situation, especially around the Port Elizabeth area, as the province is going through its rainy season into winter. OFM News' Christal-Lize Muller spoke to Stern...

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He says as for the rest of the Eastern Cape things are looking good with grazing conditions which improved dramatically. Stern says the national lockdown due to the Covid-19 pandemic, has also had a massive impact on commodities like wool and mohair. Farmers did not have an opportunity to deliver their wool until recently and this has had a massive impact on their cash flow because they had to spend a lot of their reserves and money in the form of feeds to keep their animals alive.  

Stern says the outbreak of African swine fever in the province is currently being dealt with and the organisation is engaging with the relevant national and provincial department with regards to the disease. It is a challenge at this stage because the outbreak is in areas where the control of movement of pigs is not sufficient.

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