Mid-Morning Magic
VOX Fibre - Fast, reliable & future-proof connectivity is here!─── 10:45 Mon, 28 Sep 2020

Having to work from home has brought many challenges this year but the team at VOX Telecom have a variety of packages and internet solutions to help you whether at home or at work.
I chat to the CEO of VOX Telecom, Jacques du Toit about how they had to change they way the provide internet connectivity to their clients during Covid-19, how their "Work-from-home" initiative has helped countless individuals and businesses adjust to the new normal and why VOX Fibre is something you need for your household/business.
If fast, reliable and future-proof connectivity is what you’re after, Vox Fibre is here! Plus, Vox is offering you the chance to win one of ten (10) Vox UPS devices on Mid-Morning Magic, 28 September to 2 October 2020. Click here for details: https://www.ofm.co.za/competition/3327/win-with-vox-frogfoot-
For more details regarding fibre for your home or business visit VOX online here: https://www.vox.co.za/
VOX Fibre - Fast, reliable & future-proof connectivity is here!: