Press Office
Win big with Central SA bucket list travel experiences!─── 08:00 Wed, 16 Feb 2022

As part of OFM's mission to turn 2022 into #Twenty20You, we, along with Hinterland and Hinterland Fuels, bring you yet another exciting competition.
Central South Africa boasts some of the most magnificent natural splendour South Africa has to offer, not to mention the exceptional hospitality one can only experience from the beautiful inhabitants of this special region.
To this end, OFM, along with Hinterland and Hinterland Fuels, is launching a unique competition aimed at supporting tourism through celebrating the diversity of the Free State, North West, Northern Cape, and Vaal, while piquing the interest to explore and travel through first-hand experiences shared by fellow travellers.
In 2020, OFM asked Central South Africa to “Show us your recipes!” Now, as the world slowly shifts back to a more ‘normal’ post-pandemic state, we’re asking listeners to share their most memorable travel experiences. What to do, where to stay, even what to eat and drink in Central SA! And, as a reward for sharing their beautiful memories with us, listeners stand a chance to win R25 000 in cash and prizes, courtesy of Hinterland and Hinterland Fuels!
A grand prize of R15 000 cash is up for grabs, as well as ten R1 000 Hinterland vouchers. Plus, selected entries will be collated in The Real Good Travel Book - Bucket list experiences from Central South Africa for fellow travellers to enjoy.
In order to enter, listeners are requested to upload their travel stories and recommendations for places to visit, where to stay and what to enjoy in terms of eat and drink, along with a photograph of the said experience on OFM’s website, before 13 March 2022.
Ten lucky entrants will also be awarded with a R1000 Hinterland vouchers during the campaign.
The grand prize winner will be selected by a panel of judges and awarded R15 000 cash by the end of March 2022.
“The Real Good Travel Book promotion makes everyone a tourist in their own backyard. This Easter holiday, embrace the long road, country road, and even town road with Hinterland Fuels and OFM and rediscover the places that matter in Central South Africa,” says Annette Willemse, Communication Specialist, Senwes.
Visit Hinterland's website at to learn more about their incredible offers.
"Central South Africa has a lot more to offer than we know, and we are excited to see what all these things are! The Real Good Travel Book competition, as well as the book we are going to compile, will once again put the focus on tourism and thus help this sector to get back on its feet after the devastating impact that Covid-19 had on it. With a partner like Hinterland & Hinterland Fuels on board, I know it's going to be a prosperous trip for all of us," says Anchen Lintvelt, OFM Sales Manager.
For more information or to advertise in The Real Good Travel Book, contact Mahareng Publishing at 051 5050 900 or
Wen groot met Sentraal SA moet-doen reis-ervarings!
Sentraal-Suid-Afrika spog met van die wonderlikste natuurprag wat Suid-Afrika kan bied, om nie eens te praat van die uitsonderlike gasvryheid wat 'n mens net van die pragtige inwoners van hierdie besonderse streek kan ervaar nie.
Vir hierdie doel stuur OFM, saam met Hinterland en Hinterland Fuels, 'n unieke kompetisie van stapel wat daarop gemik is om toerisme te ondersteun deur die diversiteit van die Vrystaat, Noordwes, Noord-Kaap en Vaal te vier, en om deur eerstehandse ervarings wat deur medereisigers gedeel word, die belangstelling te prikkel om te verken en te reis.
OFM het in 2020 vir Sentraal-Suid-Afrika gevra: “Wys ons jou resepte!” Nou, terwyl die wêreld stadig na 'n meer 'normale' post-pandemiese toestand terugkeer, vra ons luisteraars om hul mees onvergeetlike reiservarings te deel. Wat om te doen, waar om te bly, selfs wat om te eet en te drink in Sentraal-SA.
En, as 'n beloning vir hierdie pragtige herinneringe wat met ons gedeel word, staan luisteraars 'n kans om R25 000 in kontant en pryse te wen, met vergunning van Hinterland en Hinterland Fuels!
’n Groot prys van R15 000 kontant is op die spel, asook tien R1 000 Hinterland-koopbewyse. Boonop sal geselekteerde inskrywings in The Real Good Travel Book - Bucket list experiences from Central South Africa saamgevat word vir medereisigers om te geniet.
Om in te skryf word luisteraars versoek om hul reisverhale en aanbevelings - vir plekke om te besoek, waar om te bly, en wat om te geniet in terme van eet en drink, saam met 'n foto van die genoemde ervaring - op OFM se webwerf,, te laai voor 13 Maart 2022.
Tien gelukkige deelnemers sal ook tydens die veldtog met 'n R1000 Hinterland-koopbewys beloon word.
Die hoofpryswenner sal deur 'n paneel beoordelaars gekies word en teen einde Maart 2022 met R15 000 kontant beloon word.
“Die Real Good Travel Book-promosie maak van elkeen 'n toeris in sy eie geledere. Pak hierdie Paasvakansie die langpad, kontreipad en selfs dorpspad aan saam met Hinterland Fuels en OFM en herontdek die plekke wat saakmaak in Sentraal Suid-Afrika,” sê Annette Willemse, Kommunikasiespesialis, Senwes.
Besoek Hinterland se webblad by om meer oor hul ongelooflike aanbiedinge te leer.
“Sentraal Suid Afrika het baie meer om te bied as waarvan ons weet, en ons is opgewonde om te sien wat al hierdie dinge is! The Real Good Travel Book-kompetisie, asook die boek wat ons gaan saamstel, gaan weer die fokus op toerisme plaas en sodoende hierdie sektor help om weer ten volle op die been te kom ná die impak wat Covid-19 daarop gehad het. Met ’n vennoot soos Hinterland & Hinterland Fuels aanboord, weet ek dat dit ’n voorspoedige reis vir ons almal gaan wees,” sê Anchen Lintvelt, OFM-verkoopsbestuurder.
Vir meer inligting of om in The Real Good Travel Book te adverteer, kontak Mahareng Publishing by 051 5050 900 of