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ANC FS refutes nationalism claims

───   LUCKY NKUYANE 12:20 Mon, 22 Nov 2021

ANC FS refutes nationalism claims | News Article

The ANC's Interim Provincial Committee (IPC) in the Free State has refuted factionalism claims in the Mangaung Metro.

IPC spokesperson, Oupa Khoabane, tells OFM News the party is ready and will speak in one voice for the election of the mayor. This after sources within the party suggested that a battle between two opposing factions aligned to ANC president Cyril Ramaphosa and suspended ANC Secretary-General Ace Magashule, was expected to play itself out at Monday's inauguration of the new mayor. It's alleged that Magashule's faction is pushing for a female mayor and have their eyes on Mapaseka Mothibi-Nkoane whilst Ramaphosa's CR17 faction has opted for continuity and stability and decided to continue with the election of Mxolisi Siyonzana, currently at the helm. But Khoabane says he has full confidence in the councillors.

"From what we know, all of our councillors are working as one.

"I am sure you saw in the last council sitting which elected the mayor -, the same accusations were made and the ANC caucus proved that we are working as one, and this is the case even now," he adds.

He says the ANC is the one that deploys, and not individuals.

"People who are coming up with allegations that there is a group that wants so and so, it is the ANC that deploys, not individuals," Khoabane adds.

The ruling ANC retained the metro with a margin of 50,63% and this gave them 51 seats in the council.

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