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FS Social Development targets over 15 000 for #vaccines

───   KATLEHO MORAPELA 15:02 Tue, 20 Jul 2021

FS Social Development targets over 15 000 for #vaccines | News Article
PHOTO: Twitter

The Free State Social Development Department confirms the vaccination of its personnel is proceeding without much hiccups.

Acting Chief Director for Corporate Services, Nelisiwe Ntombela, tells OFM News they are targeting 15 270 individuals. This is inclusive of all officials, social workers, Sassa officials, those of the National Development Agency as well as Early Childhood Development Centres (ECD). Ntombela confirms of this total they are aiming at about 9 000 individuals from the ECDs, 1 427 Social Development officials as well as interns and student social workers. 575 Sassa employees, 9 officials across the districts from the National Development Agency and over 3 000 social service professionals are also included. She explains 23 vaccination sites across the province have been identified in collaboration with the provincial health department.

Her statement comes as the department continues to roll out the Covid-19 vaccination programme. It kicked off on Monday with Minister Lindiwe Zulu encouraging all those in the sector to get their jab.

“We had a very successful launch in one of our Social Development facilities called the Old Standard Bank Building. We vaccinated over 500 individuals in that building alone. We also had other sites in the Mangaung District which include hospitals, and another site from Thabo Mofutsanyana where we vaccinated 30 people in Ficksburg. We are looking forward to the rest of the week where we will be rolling out the vaccine throughout various districts,” said Ntombela.

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