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Theunissen protesters attempt to petrol-bomb police

───   OLEBOGENG MOTSE 11:12 Wed, 28 Apr 2021

Theunissen protesters attempt to petrol-bomb police | News Article

A group of aggrieved Theunissen protesters unsuccessfully petrol-bombed a police station in the town’s Masilo township on Tuesday night 27 April.

This as unrest in the Free State town enters its second week amidst Freedom Day celebrations in the province. 

Free State police spokesperson, Motantsi Makhele, tells OFM News, the foiled petrol bombing incident occurred at around 23:00 pm on Tuesday evening. The protesters managed to break the window of the satellite police station, but the building itself did not catch fire. Makhele says police officers on duty were not injured. The disgruntled group also attempted to torch the Victim Empowerment Centre in the area but failed again. No arrests have been made yet in connection with these attempts, but police are investigating the matter, reveals Makhele.

Last week the parental home of Masilonyana Local Municipality’s Mayor, Kunatu Stephen Koalane, was burned down in Theunissen. Furthermore, protesters petrol-bombed a police nyala, however, authorities managed to extinguish the flames before any real damage was done to the nyala. Public Order Police continue to keep a close watch over the situation in Theunissen, following threats of more disruptions and unrest. The Masilonyana Local Municipality remains mum on the unrest, with no statements released on the protests or the torching of Koalane’s parental home.

The situation at Winburg, which also falls under the Masilonyana Local Municipality, remains tense after residents attacked trucks in the area, critically injuring one truck driver and leaving two others with minor injuries on Monday night. 

The Winburg residents started protesting following a decision taken by the provincial government to move the Freedom Day Celebrations, to be attended by President Cyril Ramaphosa, to Botshabelo after it was initially earmarked to take place in Winburg.

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