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WATCH | Gariep Dam 95% full

───   12:00 Sun, 10 Jan 2021

WATCH | Gariep Dam 95% full | News Article
Image: Screenshot

The Gariep Dam in the Free State has recorded better rain levels in over a month than it has in the past five to six years.

This is according to DA Councillor in the Mangaung Metro, Rossouw Botes.

Social media users have been sharing videos of the Gariep Dam in full-fledged water flow action - filled to a 95% capacity.

Botes tells OFM News that the Mangaung area received rainfall measuring to an impressive 219.5 mm in the months of December and January.

He adds that the water flow has filled dams in and around the Free State.

Botes says the Katse Dam has experienced an estimated 20% increase in water flow due to the irrigation from the Gariep Dam. 

Furthermore, Botes tells OFM News that the rain not only enables municipalities to provide more water to communities, but that the rain and the functions of the Gariep Dam allow for adequate water supply to farmers in and around the area as well.

The rain, together with the sustainability of the dam, has been able to supply a vast amount of dams with adequate water. Rossouw explains in the event of the dam experiencing an overflow of water, the down flow of the dam opens up water supplies to farms, their irrigation systems and sprinklers. 

Lastly, Roussow clarifies that dams such as the Knellpoort Dam, being one of the main dams for Mangaung, many a time require more water pumped due to an unnatural flow. However, the benefit of rain and the availability of water has enabled this.

Video source: Reënval SA -  https://www.facebook.com/groups/reenvalsa/permalink/3581504908630900/?sfnsn=scwspwa 

OFM News/ Shirndré-Lee Simmons

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