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Minister opens drug rehabilitation center in NW

───   KATLEHO MORAPELA 09:39 Sat, 12 Dec 2020

Minister opens drug rehabilitation center in NW | News Article

An anti-substance abuse campaign and a drug rehabilitation centre will officially be launched in the North West.

Social Development Minister, Lindiwe Zulu, will open the much needed JB Marks Treatment Centre in Potchefstroom on Saturday.

According to her department the JB Marks Centre is one of  five newly built public centres across the country that offer free drug treatment and rehabilitation services for recovering substance users.

Zulu's spokesperson, Lumka Oliphant, in a statement says this centre will greatly help communities in the province, especially with the scourge of drug abuse amongst young people.

With the country nearing the festive season, Oliphant highlights that South Africans generally overindulge in alcohol and illicit substances during this time of the year and that the campaign set to be launch will address this challenge.

With the second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic already underway in the country, Oliphant adds that this campaign is even more important than before.

"The new centre will not only provide services to residents in Potchefstroom, but people across the North West Province.

Minister Zulu will also use the occasion to launch the annual national Anti-Substance Abuse Festive Campaign, which is aimed at educating the country’s citizens about the adverse effects of alcohol and substance abuse, particularly during the festive season" said Olifant.

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