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07 Sep 2024

Enorme skade ná brand by Bethlehem-lugskou

“Ondanks waarskuwings oor gebrekkige rampbestuur en die tekort aan brandtoerusting het die voertuie reeds tot as verbran .. Read More

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07 Sep 2024

Former North West municipal official arrested again alongside attorney for fraud

“Investigations revealed Tiro Attorneys did not provide any services, and Shema, along with another suspect who is still .. Read More

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07 Sep 2024

Nketoana’s mayor under fire for exorbitant vehicle rental and petrol costs

“It is malicious to claim the mayor has traveled 70,000 km without any substantial evidence.” Read More

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07 Sep 2024

Karate school for youth open for business in Galeshewe, Kimberley

“My aim is to see our kids improve academically and not being exposed to drugs and alcohol.” Read More

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06 Sep 2024

Paralimpiese Spele 2024: ‘Sport dikwels ’n uitweg uit baie donker tye’

“Ons is deur soveel om hier te kom en vandag het nog ’n groot droom waar geword.” Read More

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05 Sep 2024

Art Attack: Klerksdorp met kuns verras

“Plaaslike kunstenaars kan vir twee dae hul kreatiwiteit met die publiek in die Matlosana Mall deel.”  Read More

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04 Sep 2024

Conspiracy Corner – Ruimtevaarders wat vasgekeer is, hoor vreemde geluide

“Dit was soort van ’n polsende geluid, amper soos ’n sonar ping.” Read More

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04 Sep 2024

Third-generation home-schooler to host Bloemfontein event

“How to approach home-schooling from a Biblical worldview.”  Read More

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05 Sep 2024

Handelstekort en betrekkinge by Beijing-beraad bespreek

Die beraad in Beijing bied ’n belangrike platform vir Suid-Afrika om sy landbousektor uit te brei en waardevolle samewer .. Read More

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04 Sep 2024

OVK Bethlehem Meganisasie Ekspo en Gholfdag

Bethlehem sal binnekort die tuiste wees van ’n opwindende geleentheid vir die landbougemeenskap, met die OVK Bethlehem M .. Read More

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04 Sep 2024

Landbou moet seëvier– TLU SA

“Kos op die tafel is die olie wat die hele land laat draai.” Read More

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04 Sep 2024

Byeboerdery iets bzzsonders

“Kenneth Nel, die eienaar van The Beeshop, ’n winkel wat ’n wye verskeidenheid byeprodukte en byeboerdery-toerusting ver .. Read More

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02 Sep 2024

Fransman in hof nadat meer as 50 mans sy vrou verkrag

“Die polisie het daarna honderde foto’s en video’s van sy vrou op sy rekenaar gevind.”  Read More

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28 Aug 2024

Paralimpiese Spele open in Parys

“Ek moet sê, ek is opgewonde oor wat voorlê vir Parys 2024, want om toeskouers te hê sal beslis net daardie elektriese a .. Read More

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26 Aug 2024

Topdiplomaat in Dubai herroep oor visum-bedrogspul

“Inbrake by sy kantoor was glo deel van ’n wydlopende skema om visums aan burgers van die Verenigde Arabiese Emirate te .. Read More

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23 Aug 2024

Wêreld se tweede grootste diamant in Botswana gevind

“Botswana se diamantbedryf bied wydlopende sosiaal-ekonomiese voordele aan die land wat veel verder strek as die mynbous .. Read More

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07 Sep 2024

Cheetahs keep Currie Cup hopes alive

It was always going to be a tough ask to play 80 minutes of early afternoon rugby in a hot and humid Mbombela Stadium, b .. Read More

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07 Sep 2024

Fritz and Sinner to battle it out in US Open men's final

“Andy Roddick was the last American man to reach a Grand Slam singles final and was also the last American man to win a .. Read More

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07 Sep 2024

Bafana Bafana starts Afcon qualifying campaign with a draw

"But what we showed after we went 2-1 down is what we wanted to see … a draw is better than a defeat.” Read More

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07 Sep 2024

Griquas ends rugby season on a high

“The match came alive in the second half, with both teams scoring two converted tries.” Read More

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