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McDonald's Big Mac Day

McDonald's Big Mac Day Venue: McDonald's Zastron Street

Something big is coming...

This Tuesday, 8 November is Big Mac Day! McDonald’s is celebrating all the little moments South Africa has shared with the Big Mac, by selling their Big Mac Medium Meal for only R21!

So head to your nearest McDonald’s from 10:30am this Tuesday or join the OFM Street Squad at McDonald’s in Zastron Street, Bloemfontein.

But, only while stocks last and only 1000 meals per restaurant. Ts and Cs apply.

There’s a museum dedicated to this burger and it’s sold in over 36 countries worldwide. Know who we’re talking about yet?

Yes, the 8th of November is officially #BigMacDay. So to celebrate their 21st birthday in South Africa and honour the world-famous burger we all know and love, McDonald’s will be selling the Big Mac® Medium Meal for only R21!

Offer is valid from 10.30am, while stocks last. There are only 1000 available per store, so grab your Big Mac® buddy and head down to your nearest McDonald’s now!

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