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Shop and win at NWK Retail Lichtenburg!

Shop and win at NWK Retail Lichtenburg! Venue: NWK Retail Lichtenburg, 90 Dr Nelson Mandela Drive, Lichtenburg

Protek is your go-to expert for a healthier home and thriving garden. With their professional team and extensive range of products, you can get effective solutions to control pests and promote plant growth. From insecticides and herbicides to fertilisers and rodenticides, Protek has everything you need to keep your space beautiful and pest-free.

Join OFM’s Laurika du Preez at NWK Lichtenburg on Wednesday, 15 January 2025 between 11:00 - 14:00, where you can buy Protek products on promotion and stand a chance to win one of two Protek gift hampers! Simply buy any Protek product, and you’ll be automatically entered into the competition.

You’ll also have the chance to meet Protek experts for advice on how to effectively manage pests and how to ensure your garden thrives with the correct plant nutrition.

Affordable and reliable, Protek ensures value for your money and peace of mind. Choose Protek – your trusted partner in pest control and plant nutrition!

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97ste Oscar-toekennings gevier met sang en danse ondanks verwoesting

Die Oscars-seremonie het ’n prysuitdelingseisoen afgesluit wat oorskadu is deur die Los Angeles-veldbrande in Januarie wat groot dele van dié Kaliforniese stad verwoes en talle in die bedryf geraak...  Read More

Rusland, Amerika vergader in Midde-Ooste

Rusland en Amerika sal moontlik Dinsdag (18/2) die beëindiging van die oorlog tussen Oekraïne en Rusland bespreek, maar geen Europese land óf Oekraïne is na die vergadering genooi nie.  Read More

Trump staak befondsing hangende ondersoek na SA grondbeleid

Die Suid-Afrikaanse regering sê hy sien uit daarna om met die Amerikaanse president Donald Trump in gesprek te tree ná bewerings dat die staat grond opsetlik konfiskeer.  Read More

Magdom Palestyne keer terug na Gasa

Tienduisende Palestyne het na die noorde van Gasa begin terugkeer nadat Hamas ingestem het om later vandeesweek drie Israeliese gyselaars te oorhandig.  Read More

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