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Give the gift of life this summer!

Give the gift of life this summer! Venue: River Square Donor Centre, Vereeniging & Homestead Butchery, 1 Palmiet Street, Potchefstroom

Pump Up the Pulse with the South African National Blood Service this Saturday, 14 December 2024!

When you donate blood, you’re giving up to three people the chance to enjoy this summer—and every summer to come. Join SANBS and OFM this Saturday to give the gift of life this festive season!

Nadine Blom will be at the River Square Donor Centre in River Square Shopping Centre, Three Rivers, where the target for the day is 50 units, while Nico van der Westhuizen will be at Homestead Butchery at 1 Palmiet Street in Potchefstroom, where they are aiming for 40 units. Meet the OFM team from 9am to 1pm. The blood drives take place 9am - 2pm.

Stop by and enjoy that summer feeling you get when you pump up the pulse with SANBS.

You can also donate blood at these sites on 14 December: 

- Next to Spur, Vaal Mall, Vanderbijlpark
09:00 to 16:00
- Vanderbijlpark Donor Center, Vanderbijlpark
09:00 to 14:00
- Swagga Breweries, Meyerton
11:00 to 16:00
- The Barnyard, Vereeniging
10:00 to 15:00
- Sasolburg Square Sasolburg
09:00 to 14:00

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