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Save the date for Lion Lodge Bridal Expo!

Save the date for Lion Lodge Bridal Expo! Venue: Lion Lodge, 2 Leeuwenhoek Street, Hospital Park, Bloemfontein

Planning your dream wedding? The biggest wedding expo in Bloemfontein is here to make your vision a reality!

Join The Central SA Top 30 at Lion Lodge on 5 October 2024 from 10:00 to 16:00 for a day filled with wedding inspiration and top vendors.

You could even win a wedding valued at R150 000! To stand a chance, simply purchase a lucky draw ticket for just R200.

Bring your bridal party, your partner, or your family and friends – it promises to be a fun-filled day for everyone!


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“Die polisie het daarna honderde foto’s en video’s van sy vrou op sy rekenaar gevind.”  Read More

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