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Heritage Day – Celebrating the Diversity in South Africa

Heritage Day – Celebrating the Diversity in South Africa Venue: SANBS,1 Brother Patrick Lane, Flamwood Shopping Centre, Shop 63, Klerksdorp

Join Laurika du Preez and the SANBS at Flamwood Shopping Centre, Klerksdorp on Tuesday, 24 September 2024, between 9am and 3pm to honour your heritage. The goal is 50 units, and remember, each donation can save up to three lives.

You can also donate at 2 Esselen Street in Potchefstroom between 9am and 1pm.

By becoming a blood donor, you play a crucial role in sustaining those in need. Let’s celebrate our vibrant cultures by giving the gift of life – because your blood, in all its diversity, holds the power to save.

For more information, visit sanbs.org.za/donor-centres

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