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Be sure not to miss the Get It Baby Expo with Checkers Little Me Mimosa Mall!

Be sure not to miss the Get It Baby Expo with Checkers Little Me Mimosa Mall! Venue: Mimosa Mall, Bloemfontein

Hey parents-to-be, are you ready for the ultimate baby extravaganza! It's Get It Baby Expo in association with Checkers Little Me at Mimosa Mall in Bloemfontein on Saturday 31 August 2024!

Mimosa Mall's upper retail level will be filled with exhibitors, unbeatable deals, chances to win and all things baby! Explore the journey of pregnancy and parenting with top brands and get exclusive deals you won’t find anywhere else.

Every parent knows – the little things make a big difference, for a comfortable, happy and healthy baby! The everyday essentials to support you and your baby every step of the way. Whether you are expecting your first or expanding your family, the Checkers Little Me store in Mimosa Mall is a stand-alone destination store with top brands at supermarket prices. Explore the latest in baby gear, from strollers to car seats, nursery essentials and so much more, meet the top brands and get deals you won’t find anywhere else.

Explore the journey of pregnancy and parenting, be the first to get your copy of the September edition of Get it Bloemfontein from Bump to Baby, this edition is fully loaded.

Plus, if you shop for R500 or more, enter in store at the Checkers Little Me store in Mimosa Mall, from 30 August – 8 September, you can stand the chance to win:  

The Noola 3-in-1 Elite Travel System worth R11 999! The famous sporty stroller, made for adventurous parents. The all-terrain capability means no surface is too challenging for the Elite!

With its Rugged Suspension glide over rough terrain smoothly, as the Elite 2-in-1's advanced suspension system absorbs shocks for a smoother ride. Make a statement with the sophisticated design, blending fashion and function seamlessly for modern parents. Experience peace of mind with robust aluminium alloy frame, promising years of comfortable journeys for you and your little one.

And, to add to one more reason for you to make sure you are visiting the Get It Baby Expo at the Checkers Little Me store, Mimosa Mall is throwing in another R2500 mall voucher that is up for grabs if you shop at Checkers Little Me. So you have a date!

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