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The Big Radio Registration

The Big Radio Registration Venue: Central South Africa

2024 is the year of so much more on OFM, the Sound of Your Life! And, because you, our valued listener, is so much more than just a number to us, we’re crisscrossing Central SA in February and March to meet you on the ground and find out more about who you are.

OFM will visit these towns from 09:00 – 17:00, each Wednesday from 7 February to 27 March:

  • 7 February: Bloemfontein  (Coopers ES at Hinterland)
  • 14 February: Kimberley  (Beefmaster Pop Up Shop at Newton Primary)
  • 21 February: Klerksdorp (Ultimate Stationery)
  • 28 February: Welkom (Goldfields Mall)
  • 6 March: Vanderbijlpark (Econo Foods)
  • 13 March: Upington (Laerskool Oranje-Noord)
  • 20 March: Potchefstroom (East Vaal Renault & Mahindra)
  • 27 March: Bloemfontein (Awerbuchs)

So, come join us at the venues below and stand up and be counted during The Big Radio Registration. There will be R2 024 up for grabs at each activation as well as various other spot prizes, plus a grand prize of R20 024, which will be awarded at the end of March.

To enter, scan the QR code at each activation and fill out the questionnaire. You will then be awarded a unique code that you can also use to unlock other benefits, like winning additional prize money when entering OFM competitions throughout the year. See you there!

Date: 27 March 2024

Town/City: Bloemfontein

Venue: Bloempark Shopping Centre, Faan Ferreira Avenue, Langenhoven Park

Get ready for an epic day of excitement and community spirit at Bloempark Fest on 27 March 2024.

Shop local and discover Bloempark’s array of stores – Awerbuchs, Safari 4x4, Park Wheels, Delta Express, Welcome Shop, The Barber, Boer Bier & Boer Cola, Metsi, Oxygenate, Copper Clover, Moreson Eggs, Postnet, Kraaines, Splash Attack and more. Don't miss out on exclusive deals throughout the day!

Shop local and discover Bloempark’s array of stores – Awerbuchs (Clearance sale on CAT Shoes), Safari 4x4 (Specials on Stanley and power backup products), @The Park Wheels, Delta Express, Welcome Shop, The Barber Shop (R90 for all mens haircuts and 5% discount on all mens hair products), Boer Cola & Boer Bier, Metsi (50c p/liter refill for the whole week), Oxygenate, Copper Clover (50% discount on starter if ordered with a main course for today only), Moreson Eggs, Kraaines (Sale on Mattresses, Beds, Polywood Products and more from 27-29 March), Splash Attack Car Wash.

You can also savour all the flavours at the food stalls, with the main attraction being Copper Clover.

The kids can have a blast bouncing around on the jumping castle, while parents relax and soak in the festive atmosphere.

But, the excitement doesn’t end there! Prepare to be amazed by a live demonstration from Grizzly Bear Academy, displaying the art of mixed martial arts.

For those seeking a challenge, Oxygenate Bloemfontein will be hosting an ice barrel competition with fantastic giveaways up for grabs.

 Date: 20 Maart 2024

Town/City: Potchefstroom

Venue: Eastvaal Mahindra, Walter Sisulu-straat 217

Koop 20 Maart 2024 ‘n voertuig by Eastvaal Mahindra in Potchefstroom en kry 50% af op jou sleepstang! Jy kan ook R10 000 inruil-bystand of afslag op die volgende modelle kry: Scorpio N, XUV 700, Dusk, Dawn, Storm, en Dew. Of, koop ‘n XUV300 en kry ‘n vol tenk brandstof, gratis!

Bring jou voertuig vir ‘n diens tydens Maart en April 2024 by Eastvaal Mahindra in Potchefstroom en kry ‘n gratis gesondheidsinspeksie en ‘n addisionele karwas!

Eastvaal Chery en Eastvaal Renault maak binnekort saam met Eastvaal Mahindra oop as n Multi Franchise!

Date: 13 March 2024

Town/City: Upington

Venue: Laerskool Oranje-Noord
109 Schroder St, Oosterville, Upington

Date: 6 March 2024

Town/City: Vanderbijlpark

Venue: Econo Foods: Cnr Rossini Blvd & Barrage Rd Vaal Mall

Date: 28 February 2024

Town/City: Welkom

Venue: Goldfields Mall, on the corner of Stateway and Buiten Street

Goldfields Mall, the heart of Welkom, is where you can find everything your heart desires under one roof, from food to furniture to the latest fashion to footwear, they guarantee you’ll find something you love!

Date: 21 February 2024

Town/City: Klerksdorp

Venue: Ultimate Stationery Klerksdorp, 7 Buffelsdoorn Road, Wilkoppies

Begin die nuwe belastingjaar kommervry met ‘Your Trusted Office Supplies Partner’ – ‘Ultimate Stationery’ Klerksdorp.

Wat jy ookal benodig vir jou kantoor – liassering- en stoor-oplossings, papierversnipperaars, bindmasjiene, lamineerders, of papier en algemene skryfbehoeftes... Ultimate Stationery Klerksdorp is daar om jou te help. Soek jy kantoor-meubels soos boekrakke, konferensie-tafels, lessenare, stoele, staalkabinette, hout kabinette, of sleutel kabinette? Bestel by ultimate-stationery.co.za.

Plus, as jy Woensdag R250 by Ultimate Stationery Klerksdorp spandeer, is jy ook in die trekking vir R3000! Maak seker jy maak ‘n draai!


Date: 14 February 2024

Town/City: Kimberley

Venue: Beefmaster pop-up shop Newton Primary School, Halkett Street, New Park

Buy the best quality beef and more by using the iBeef online delivery service. Shop from the safety, convenience, and comfort of your home and have it delivered straight to your door. Visit ibeef.co.za and use the interactive map to select your region quickly and easily before ordering iBeef products for delivery. iBeef will make sure that your order is delivered promptly to your door. It’s that simple!

iBeef powered by the Beefmaster Group – a cut above the rest.

Date: 7 February 2024

City: Bloemfontein

Venue: Coopers Environmental Science promotion at Hinterland in Curie Avenue

Coopers Environmental Science celebrates 25 Years in 2024!

Make NO mistake this year! Take control with Coopers Environmental Science, and make sure you vote right to get the results that count!

Choose right! Make it count and get total control!

Make sure you have all your boxes ticked:

  • Fly
  • Rat
  • Cockroach
  • Mosquito

The results are in and Coopers Environmental Science never lets you down. It’s a knockout in pest control!

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