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Kathu Village Mall welcomes West Pack!

Kathu Village Mall welcomes West Pack! Venue: Kathu Village Mall, Hendrik van Eck Road, Kathu

Kathu Village Mall in Kathu is thrilled to announce the opening of a West Pack Lifestyle store on Saturday, 22 July 2023! Get ready to indulge in a world of convenience, quality, and incredible savings.

There will be giveaways, plus you stand a chance to win one of three trolley dashes. Imagine dashing through the aisles, filling your cart with all your favourite products! Find details instore.

Laurika du Preez will be there to inform you about the opening day specials, while CiCi the Crazy Crafts mascot will keep the young ones busy while you shop.

What does West Pack sell? Kitchenware, plasticware, cleaning materials, stationery, kids' toys, pet supplies, furniture (outdoor), decorative products, glassware, storage solutions, party materials, perishables, bathroom, laundry, office supplies, and arts & crafts! What does West Pack sell? Kitchenware, plasticware, cleaning materials, stationery, kids' toys, pet supplies, furniture (outdoor), decorative products, glassware, storage solutions, party materials, perishables, bathroom, laundry, office supplies, and arts & crafts!

Read more about the opening and all the other shops you can enjoy at Kathu Village Mall here: https://www.facebook.com/KathuVillageMall

Listen online to the OFM Pop-Up Radio broadcast here from 09:00 on Saturday:

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