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DIY Superstore turns 35!

DIY Superstore turns 35! Venue: 17 Monument Road, Bloemfontein

DIY Superstore celebrates its 35th birthday on 1 June 2023, and because you, their loyal customers that form the heart and foundation of DIY Superstore, they want you to join them in making this a birthday bash for the record books! 

1 – 3 June 2023 you can look forward to supplier demos like power tools, a chalk paint session for mom, latest in irrigation products and loads of giveaways, 3-day only specials, live entertainment by Zak Steyn Friday afternoon, cup of coffee at Vida E Café, delicious sosaties, chips sticks and donuts, don’t forget loads full of special giveaways on this Birthday bash

Don’t miss out on the power tool demonstration, chalk paint class, irrigation pump demonstration, chip sticks, sosaties, donuts, Zak Steyn performing on +-Friday afternoon, and beat the cold with a warm coffee or milo from Vida E!

Mid-Morning Magic will broadcast live from DIY Superstore in Bloemfontein on Thursday, from 09:00 to 12:00, to get the party started.

Then Jaco de Waal will keep the party going with OFM Pop Up Radio, 12:00 – 16:00.

On Friday, get an early start and nail all your weekend projects with Nico van der Westhuizen bringing the birthday vibe with OFM Pop Up Radio, 08:00 – 12:00.

On Saturday, Shandor Potgieter concludes the celebration with OFM Up Radio, 08:00 – 12:00.

Listen to the Pop Up's here:

So, get your hard hat, grab your favourite tools, and get ready for a DIY extravaganza. From constructing dreams to painting them, lift your tools high to DIY Superstore’s 35 years of reimagining hardware and building materials.

DIY Superstore - celebrating 35 years of reimagining hardware and building material. #DIYreimagine

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