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Bag big birthday deals at @Mart

Bag big birthday deals at @Mart Venue: @Mart, Fauna Shopping Centre, Bloemfontein

The all-in-one store, @Mart in Fauna Shopping Centre,  Bloemfontein, celebrates its first birthday on Saturday, 10 December! The Real Good Weekend featuring the CSA Top 30 will broadcast live from @Mart from 09:00 to 12:00.

@Mart is offering 30% off everything in-store on the day! Plus, @Mart is giving away R30 000 worth of vouchers during their birthday weekend. 30 people stand a chance to win a R1 000 voucher. Place your slip with your contact details in the box at the tills and @Mart will call you on Monday, 12 December 2022, if you are a lucky winner.

@Mart has the following departments: party, plastics, tools and DIY, houseware, kitchenware, hi-tech, jewellery and accessories, health and beauty, crockery, toys, cosmetics, pets, office and school, luggage and bags, glassware, lighting and electrical, bathroom, home décor, automotive, and sports.

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Hof verwerp Trump se opskorting van buitelandse hulp

Pres. Donald Trump het Woensdag (5/3) ’n regsterugslag beleef toe die Amerikaanse hooggeregshof sy poging verwerp het om $2 miljard se buitelandse hulpbetalings te bevries.  Read More

97ste Oscar-toekennings gevier met sang en danse ondanks verwoesting

Die Oscars-seremonie het ’n prysuitdelingseisoen afgesluit wat oorskadu is deur die Los Angeles-veldbrande in Januarie wat groot dele van dié Kaliforniese stad verwoes en talle in die bedryf geraak...  Read More

Rusland, Amerika vergader in Midde-Ooste

Rusland en Amerika sal moontlik Dinsdag (18/2) die beëindiging van die oorlog tussen Oekraïne en Rusland bespreek, maar geen Europese land óf Oekraïne is na die vergadering genooi nie.  Read More

Trump staak befondsing hangende ondersoek na SA grondbeleid

Die Suid-Afrikaanse regering sê hy sien uit daarna om met die Amerikaanse president Donald Trump in gesprek te tree ná bewerings dat die staat grond opsetlik konfiskeer.  Read More

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