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VKB store opening in Frankfort

VKB store opening in Frankfort Venue: 3 Industrial Road, Frankfort

1 October 2021

12:00 – 15:00 (OFM Outside Broadcast)

The grand opening of VKB's new and improved Frankfort retail and food stores at 3 Industrial Road took place on 1 October.

At Lunch with Cyril Viljoen was broadcasting live from the store. 

VKB retail stores have been part of the co-operatives structure since the first entity was created more than 100 years ago. Just like a century ago, the business units showcase the agricultural companies to existing, as well as potential, customers. The primary purpose of the business units is to ensure that the producer's needs for sustainable, profitable survival are fully realised. This is why the core of VKB’s presentation is still fertiliser, seed, chemicals, animal nutrition, animal health, fencing, and other agricultural inputs.

VKB – for the love of the land.

Visit www.vkb.co.za for more information.

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