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Holiday specials at Beefmaster

Holiday specials at Beefmaster Venue: 2 Carlstein Street, Kimdustria

26 March 2021

At Lunch

12:00 – 15:00 (OFM Outside Broadcast)

Easter is around the corner, and we all know what that means – braais, meaty brunches, and more with family and friends… So, stock up on all the meat you need at Beefmaster’s factory shop in Kimberley this Friday, 26 March!

At Lunch, with Gerben van Niekerk will broadcast live from 2 Carlstein Street, Kimdustria from 12:00 on the day.

Visit the Beefmaster Factory Shop to buy direct, and get exceptional beef at competitive prices. The Factory Shop stocks a wide range of packaged and unpackaged beef products, and is open to wholesalers, independent retail butcheries, informal shops, street food vendors, and the general public.

Come and meet the OFM team… and stock up on meat for the coming holiday. Just listen to these great specials from 26 March to 1 April:

  • Whole rump at R89.95 per kg
  • Whole rump tails at R88.60 per kg
  • Fillet short at R129.95 per kg
  • Lean mince at R79.95 per kg
  • Diamantveld boerewors at R79.95 per kg
  • T-bone/club steak at R89.95 per kg
  • Beef rib at R89.95 per kg
  • Biltong at R109.95 per kg

Ts & Cs apply.

Friday’s opening hours are from 08:00 to 17:30.

Find out more at beefmaster.co.za or on their Facebook page

Don’t forget – this is a location where you’re sure to spot the OFM yellow fleet and stand a chance to win your share of R35 000 cash! Read how to enter here: www.ofm.co.za/competition/3342/spot-ofm-s-yellow-fleet-competition


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