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Let's Move

Let's Move Venue: South Africa

Central SA, if 2020’s got you down, let’s get up; and Let’s Move! 6am to 6pm on Saturday, 14 November. Run, skip, dance, walk or cycle along your own 5 or 10 kilometre route, all for a good cause. Plus, there’s some cash up for grabs – don’t miss out!

Enter for R100, receive a branded tee and take to the streets in support of The South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG).

Mental illness, and the stigma surrounding it, is a critical issue in South Africa. SADAG is at the forefront of patient advocacy, education and de-stigmatisation of mental illness in the country.

Made possible by Mondia Health, with mental health centres in Bloemfontein, Bethlehem, Vereeniging, Umhlanga, Port Elizabeth and Queenstown, and OFM, the sound of your life!

Mondia Health provides care and treatment to people with psychiatric, psychological and addiction challenges to inspire, support and equip you to lead the life you can.


Location: Your own route, any location

Date: 14 November 2020

Time: Anytime between 06:00 and 18:00

Entry Fee: R100

Distance: 5 or 10km

Entry period: To receive your T-shirt in time, please register by Monday, 9 November 2020. Registrations after this date are still valid, however T-shirts will be delayed. Final registration closes midnight, 13 November 2020.

*Entrants will be notified of pickup points for T-shirts or whether they will be couriered to them.


You could win R10 000! R5000 for you and R5000 for your chosen charity. Simply share a photograph of you in your branded T-shirt participating in Let’s Move between 06:00 and 18:00 on social media with the hashtag #Letsmove and tag Mondia Woodlands Recovery as well as OFM on Facebook – OFM, the sound of your life, on Twitter - @OFM9497 and on Instagram – OFM9497.

All prize money is subject to South African tax laws and may take up to 6 weeks to process. See full competition rules here.


* Due to posting restrictions and courier costs, entrants residing outside of South Africa will unfortunately not receive a T-shirt.

T-shirt sizes:

Half Chest (CM)


1.  Complete the form below

2.  Make payment to:

     Bank details

     Central Media Group t/a OFM


     Account number 4061984099

     Branch 334334

3.  Your Reference number

4.  Send your proof of payment to Letsmove@ofm.co.za 


All entrants agree that the information they have supplied is true and correct. That they are in good health, are physically fit and trained to participate in and understand the risks associated with the event. They agree to abide by all the rules and conditions of the event and accept that they enter and participate at their own risk and fully indemnify the organisers, OFM, all sponsors and partners, volunteer groups, medical personnel and any or all other parties from any direct or indirect loss of damage, however caused, arising from their participation in the event, or related to the event.

They grant permission in terms of section 51 of the electronics communication transactions act 25 of 2002, to use their name, race information, photographs, video tapes, broadcasts, telecasts in which they may appear free of charge. They accept that their personal information will remain confidential and consent to same being shared with the parties involved in the organization of the event for purposes of registration, timing, medical care, rankings, and other activities related to the promotion of the event. They grant permission for their personal details to be shared with relevant partners for specific orders that they have subscribed to.

Your attention is drawn in particular to clauses rendered in bold capitals in these terms. What follows is a summary for your convenience and does not form part of the agreement between you and us. It is your responsibility to read the clauses referred to:

  • If the participant is a minor, i.e. younger than 18, he or she may not participate unless his or her parent(s) or legal guardian(s) have agreed to be bound by (clause 5.1) of the race terms.
  • You acknowledge that there are risks and hazards associated with an event of this nature (clause 6.2).
  • You limit our liability and indemnify us for various acts or omissions (clause 7).
  • You agree to indemnify our service providers from and against, any loss, damage, injury, disability, death, expense, cost or liability (clause 8).
  • The rules for each event are available on the Website for the event and in the Virtual Race Entry Terms and Conditions or upon request from the event organiser (clause 10.1).
  • You agree to comply with applicable sporting code and applicable law and agree to indemnify us for any damage you may sustain because you breach these.
  • You give us permission to use certain of your personal information (clause 11).
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