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Arrie Nel Pharmacy group now in Free State!

Arrie Nel Pharmacy group now in Free State! Venue: Arrie Nel pharmacy, Preller Walk, Dan Pienaar, Bloemfontein

31 July 2020

The Joyride broadcast 15:00 – 18:00

Friday, the 31st of July 2020, The Joyride broadcasts live from the brand new Arrie Nel Pharmacy at Preller Walk, Bloemfontein.

This pharmacy is also the first from the group to open in the Free State, the home of OFM.

Tune in from 3pm or come visit us to browse great opening specials.

The Arrie Nel Pharmacy group started in 2000 with the grouping of 3 pharmacies and have been going from strength to strength. The company also opened a Wholesaler in 2003 with the vision to do centralised buying for our pharmacies.

Every day, customers turn to Arrie Nel pharmacists and staff for advice on the prevention and treatment of a wide range of health issues. As your health is their number one priority, Arrie Nel’s Health Services are available at most Arrie Nel pharmacies.

See where you can find an Arrie Nel pharmacy near you - https://arrienel.co.za/branches2/

Arrie Nel Pharmacy group - Family Values, Values for the Whole Family!

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