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NWU Potchefstroom campus’ RAG 2020

NWU Potchefstroom campus’ RAG 2020 Venue: JOOL / RAG farm

30 January – 1 February 2020

The NWU Potchefstroom campus’ RAG has been the kick-off of the social calendar for every student since 1942. Annually young people from all over the country migrates to this student town to participate in this student driven festival. The feeling of coherence during this time is unparalleled. 

This event is synonymous with shows by some of the best local artists and the famous float parade – you do not want to miss it. The purpose of the RAG experience is not solely to provide students with a good time but it is also for a good cause. All proceeds are donated to community which is used to fund 87 community projects.

OFM is a proud media partner of this event.

Rag Concerts:

Line Up

Thursday 30 Jan 2020

17:15-17:45 Mensdom

18:00-18:45 Bad Peter

19:00-19:45 Van Pletzer Ft EarlyB

20:30-21:30 Prime Circle

21:45-22:30 Spoegwolf

22:45-23:45 Francois v Coke

Friday 31 Jan 2020

17:30-18:00 Memphis Panic

18:15-18:45 Sunset Sweatshop

19:00-19:45 Appel

20:00-20:45 Majozi

21:00-21:45 Die Heuwels Fantasties

22:00-22:45 Karen Zoid

23:00-23:45 Bok van Blerk

Buy your tickets here

On Saturday, 1 February 2020, Shandor’s Wild Weekend comes to you live from the float procession. Make sure you don’t miss out!

Are you looking for the perfect way to round off your JOOL weekend? Come and see the end product of the hustle and bustle that happened while Francois van Coke had the crowd on their feet.

Not only is this the only student float parade in the country - it is also something that every student holds dear to their heart.

The new decade brings you a brand new twist on the JOOL float parade. Come and be a part of history and attend the float carnival on the 1st of February 2020 at Cachet Park CID.

The parade through the streets of Potchefstroom starts at 8am and the floats should arrive at the park around 9:30. The event is expected to conclude around 2pm.

The live entertainment and food stalls on the premises promises to make this an unforgettable experience.

Bands performing include: Marli G, Fighting Midnight, Van Reg en Rede, Glimpse, and The Farewell.

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