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Bloemfontein Breast Cancer Walk powered by OFM

Bloemfontein Breast Cancer Walk powered by OFM Venue: Bloemfontein Achilles (Cnr Parfitt & At Horak Street)

Date: 30 October 2019

Time: 18:00

Event: 5km fun walk/run

Registration: R50 (adults); R30 (kids under 13); COMBOS of R120 (adults) R 95 (kids under 13) available.  

Pre-register at Achilles, Wednesdays 17:00-18:00, Loch Logan, Saturdays 09:00-14:00, at Curves gym or contact CANSA office.

*Please note: Registration closes 17:30 on the day.

On 30 October 2019 you can let your feet do the talking in support of CANSA Bloemfontein with a fun 5km walk presented in a circle route, starting at Bloemfontein Achilles club.

Join the march towards healthy living, support the survivors and remember the fighters.

You can also buy your shirt and message socks at R80, hurry stocks are limited.

Please contact Johan on 083 707 8007 or HJ on 082 9622 898 or the OFFICE 051 444 2580 for any queries.

The Route:

  • Start: Att Horak Street in front of Achilles Marathon Club.
  • Follow the road past the back of the stadium and turn right into Betoger Avenue.
  • Follow the road and turn left into Parkweg Avenue.
  • Follow the road and turn left into First Avenue.
  • Follow the road to Henry Street to first water point, turn left into Henry Street.
  • Follow the road to Parfitt Avenue with entertainment on corner Second Water Point.
  • On the Corner of Parfitt take a left again.
  • Take a left into Att Horak Street to finish on the corner Att Horak Street and Zola Budd Street.

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