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Kelrn MTB Classic

Kelrn MTB Classic Venue: Holsdam Farm, Barkly West

26-27 October 2019

The Kelrn MTB Classic will be hosted for the seventh time this year on 26 and 27 October just outside of Barkly West on Holsdam Farm.

The owners of Kelrn Transport, Mr and Mrs De Kock, has a heart for child care and believes that, if our children can be taken care of from an early age and be equipped with a good moral compass, we’ll need much less treatment. They founded a MTB, and now trail run, to be the ideal vehicles to raise funds for child care.

The MTB attracts more than 500 cyclists from across SA annually and the trail run component is growing steadily to the extent that they are hoping to have 100 enthusiasts this year. The distances include a 12km, 30km, 35km and 60km route for the MTB and a 5km fun run and 18km trail run. A fun walk of 8.5km is also offered for those who like a stroll in farm fresh air.

Beneficiaries include Caritas Community Focus, local children’s homes such as Christina Kiddie and Jannie Roux Campus, Reach for a Dream, Makarios and Building a Future. More than R500 000 was raised for child care in 2018.

A craft and gift market, coffee shop and tea garden, delicious food stalls and an exciting children’s line up including a kiddies’ obstacle course are some of the attractions this year and Jan Braai will be hosting a potjiekos competition on the Saturday evening.

Thanks to Alpha Beta Cycles a 2020 Specialized Chisel in Dove Grey is also up for grabs, this bike is worth R20 000. Find out how to enter online. 

Visit kelrnmtb.net for the full programme, routes, categories, prize money and accommodation options and join us for a fun filled weekend on the banks of the Great Vaal – all in aid of child care.

Proudly supported by OFM, the sound of your life and Vermeulens Build It.

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