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Vrystaat Arts Festival 2018

Vrystaat Arts Festival 2018 Venue: University of the Free State, Bloemfontein Campus

Dates: 8 - 14 July 2018

“The Vrystaat Arts Festival, a core Afrikaans language celebration, is on its way to become one of the key international arts festivals on the African continent.” – Ricardo Peach, Director of the Vrystaat Arts Festival.

OFM is once again a proud sponsor of the Vrystaat Arts Festival on in Bloemfontein from the 8th to the 14th of July where you can enjoy an enormous programme of some of the best theatre, music, visual arts, film, performing art, live art , experimental art, craft and food art this country has to offer.

Come say ‘Hi’ at the blue OFM Outside Broadcast Unit and stand a chance to win.

From 11 to 13 July, Shandor Potgieter will share the latest festival news live from the festival grounds during a dedicated one-hour show, 12:00-13:00.

On the 13th, Just Plain Drive with Darren Scott also broadcasts live, 16:00 – 19:00, before the show’s anchor joins Tony Blewitt for the 80s Revival Party at Blêrkas.

OFM’s festival broadcast wraps up on the 14th with Shandor’s Wild Weekend.

Make sure you don’t miss any of the action, tune in!


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Taal/Language: Eng, Afr

Beperking/Restriction: 16 LVM 45 min R50

Met/With: Jani Marais, Teddy B Mhlambi, Rea Mokone

Vervaardigers/Producers: Vukallective Vukallective, Child Welfare Bloemfontein & Childline Free State

Tegnies/Technical: Mark Antony Dobson

Lokaal/Venue: kykNET-Repteater

Datums/Dates: 12 Jul 20:30, 13 Jul 20:30, 14 Jul 17:00

Kaartjies/Tickets: Computicket

Die kleure van lig raak oneindig deur breking, maar kom uit dieselfde bron. Dit is ’n roeping waarheen ek gelei is. Ek is ondergeskik aan hierdie beroep; dus kan ek myself nie losmaak van die goddelose siel nie. Ek moet die waardigheid van my beroep handhaaf, maar ek moet my ook met die mees deugsame siel vereenselwig. Sodra ek jammerhartig voel, is ek van geen hulp nie. Wie is ek?

The colours of light are infinite through refraction, yet they all come from the same source. This is a calling to which I have been led. I am subservient to this profession; thus, I cannot detach myself from the most wicked soul. I must maintain the dignity of my profession, yet I cannot fail to identify with the most virtuous soul. The moment I feel sorry, I am of no assistance. Who am I?

Listen to the podcast: 


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