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Kovsie Open Day

Kovsie Open Day Venue: University of the Free State

Saturday, 12 May 2018, Shandor’s Wild Weekend comes to you live from the Kovsie Open Day on the Bloemfontein campus, 09:00-13:00.

Come see why this university is the best fit for you in terms of academics and student life. Application for undergrad study is free so bring along your grade 11 results and ID to apply during the open day.

During the day prospective can also get academic information i.e admission requirements and career possibilities for all the programmes offered in the faculties of Economic and Management Sciences, Education, Health Sciences, The Humanities, Law, Natural and Agricultural Sciences and Theology and Religion.

Furthermore, there will be exhibitions from residences, student associations, and student life programmes on offer.

There will also be advice and support on financial aid, housing and residence affairs, information on university access programmes, tuition fees, National Benchmark Tests and you can check you admission status if you have already applied.

The Open Day starts at 09:00 and all exhibitions can be visited until 15:00.

The programme has been streamlined to allow for more time in the faculties in order to gather the necessary academic information. Therefore, there will not be a collective welcoming programme on either campus; however, the academic programme for the respective faculties can be visited DIRECTLY from 09:00.


1. Academic programme in the respective faculties: There will be two welcoming and information sessions by the Dean of each faculty.

a. Session 1: 09:00–10:00

b. Session 2: 11:00–12:00

c. The venue for each faculty is:

i. Economic and Management Sciences: EMS Auditorium

ii. Education: New Education Auditorium

iii. Health Sciences: Francois Retief Building

iv. Natural and Agricultural Sciences: Callie Human Centre

v. Law: Equitas Building

vi. The Humanities: Odeion

vii. Theology and Religion: Theology Building, Room 21

2. Administrative services in the H van der Merwe Scholtz Hall: Bring your Grade 11 results and a copy of your ID should you wish to apply for 2019 undergraduate studies during the Open Day.

a. Online and hard-copy applications

b. Admissions

c. General Enquiries

d. UFS Marketing

e. Centre for Teaching and Learning

f. Financial Aid

g. Tuition Fees

h. Housing and Residence Affairs

i. National Benchmark Tests

j. University Access Programmes

k. KovsieGear merchandise

l. Library and Information Services

3. Student Life programme in front of the Main Building

a. Kovsie2B Social Media

b. Student Life Colleges and Residence Communities exhibitions

c. Arts and Culture

d. Centre for Universal Access and Disability Support (CUADS)

e. Counselling and Development

f. Gender and Sexual Equity Office

g. KovsieSport

h. Student Media

i. Student Wellness and Social Support

4. Student Associations exhibitions at the Thakaneng Bridge

a. Academic associations

b. Charity-based student associations

c. Cultural-based student associations

d. Political associations

e. Religious associations

See more at www.ufs.ac.za.

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