The OFM Street Squad will be joining the SANBS #NewBlood campaign at Southern Centre, in Benade Drive, Bloemfontein this Wednesday, 21 March 2018.
If you are wondering how you can become the agent of change that Cyril Ramaphosa urged South Africans to be in his inaugural address as President, look no further – become a blood donor on Human Rights Day.
The South African National Blood Service (SANBS) is implementing a mass blood drive next Wednesday to recruit new donors and ensure there is sufficient stock of safe blood available in South Africa.
The #NewBlood campaign is targeting the collection of 4 500 units of blood on the public holiday.
The SANBS is especially calling on first-time donors and new and lapsed donors who know that their blood type is Group O, to donate.
First-time donors must produce identification when presenting for a donation.
Visit or call 0800 11 90 31 to find out where to donate on Human Rights Day.
Your blood saves lives