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Explosions heard as fire rages at N2 garage complex

───   11:28 Sun, 27 Mar 2016

Explosions heard as fire rages at N2 garage complex | News Article

Durban - The Shell garage complex on the N2 northbound between Ballito and Stanger has been evacuated as firefighters tackle a blaze which started behind a Steers outlet on Sunday morning.

IPSS Medical Rescue spokesperson Samantha Meyrick told News24 several minor explosions have been heard, suspected to be gas bottles stored on site.

"Three trucks and trailers are on fire. One of them is a tanker," she said.

No injuries have been reported and the area has been evacuated, Meyrick said.

Two fire trucks and their crews are at the scene battling the inferno, while traffic officials and Intertoll staff are also on site.

- News24.com

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