Local News
UFS' language policy legal costs might run into millions─── CATHY DLODLO 10:46 Tue, 20 Sep 2016

Bloemfontein - The legal costs of the University of the Free State (UFS) in its language policy court battle might run into millions.
This comes after the university filed an appeal and has received two cost orders since the battle began.
Meanwhile, calls was made to universities to cut costs drastically. Dennis George, from the Federation of Unions of South Africa (Fedusa), says higher learning institutions must prioritise their expenditure as they can face serious financial constraints.
This was highlighted again after an announcement by Higher Education Minister, Blade Nzimande, about the fee increase next year.
This lead to a shutdown of the UFS campus by students protesting against the fee increase.
Spokesperson, Lacea Loader, meanwhile said the costs incurred are necessary and must be weighed against the importance of the issue.
The other party in the court battle, AfriForum, said it could not provide figures at this stage.
Alana Bailey, deputy CEO, said the legal costs do not only include court appearances, but also legal opinions, consultations with affected parties and travelling between Johannesburg and Bloemfontein.
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