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Beetroot and Feta Salad

───   09:00 Thu, 15 Dec 2016

Beetroot and Feta Salad | News Article

Zelda Goetz (Traffic presenter ‘The Afternoon Delight’) “Perfect for any summer party.”

Makes as much as you like, but this is for 6 beetroots



6 beetroots

1 white onion

100 g feta

80 ml sunflower seeds

10 ml olive oil

5 ml barbecue spice

a handful of wild rocket leaves


For the salad dressing

60 ml olive oil

20 ml red wine vinegar

salt and pepper

5 ml sugar



Cut the leaves off the beetroot and place the beetroot in a pot and cover with water. Bring to the boil and cook the beetroots until you can easily stick a fork into it. Remove from the water and cool slightly. Once you can handle the beetroot, remove the outer skin, it easily slips off. Keep one side.

Heat the olive oil in a pan and add the sunflower seeds. Toast the seeds and add the barbecue spice. Remove from the pan and keep one side.

Make the salad dressing by mixing the olive oil, red wine vinegar, salt, pepper and sugar. Taste and adjust to your liking.

To assemble the salad, slice the beetroot and place on a salad platter. Slice the onion and scatter the slices over the beetroot. Crumble the feta over the salad. Drizzle the salad dressing over the top and just before serving scatter the spice sunflower seeds over the top.

Source: http://www.my-easy-cooking.com/2013/04/14/beetroot-and-feta-salad-perfect-for-a-me/

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