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Aggravated robbery leads to hefty sentence

───   TSHEHLA KOTELI 08:40 Sun, 21 Aug 2022

Aggravated robbery leads to hefty sentence | News Article

The Phuthaditjhaba Regional Court has handed down a sentence of 18 years direct imprisonment to Lekgotla Sitole and Malefetsane Tshabalala.

Free State police spokesperson, Mmako Mophiring, explains that the duo was sentenced for robbing a 14-year-old of a pair of shoes, cell phone and necklace.

He further explains that they received the hefty sentence because the victim is a minor, and the crime was committed under aggravating circumstances.

Sitole and Tshabalala both hail from the Lusaka section in Makwane Village, Qwaqwa.

It also happens that the victim lives in the same area.

The robbery took place in January 2021, after the accused approached the victim in the street and threatened her with knives.

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