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Kathu residents refusing to vacate land divided in two

───   REFILWE REFILWE 07:42 Thu, 20 Aug 2015

Kathu - The situation has become tense among 1 200 households in Mapoteng outside Kathu in the Northern Cape.

The community is divided over disagreements regarding the occupation of land. Their dwellings were demolished last month after they received a notice that they must move to make way for people from Dingleton.

There was reportedly a pending appeal against the move as the evictions by the Gamagara municipality were illegal.

Salvation Mogadile, chairperson of the Mapoteng Seshego Residents’ Forum, says some residents have allegedly been influenced by the Municipality to vacate the land.

Refilwe Gaeswe/OFM News


Salvation Mogadile:

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